+94 766 293 799 info@yalasafaritours.lk
+94 766 293 799 info@yalasafaritours.lk

Privacy Policy

Our Purpose

At Yalasafari.lk we are very serious about protecting your privacy. Your trust is our most important asset. This privacy policy explains what personal data we may collect from you and why and and what will do with this data.

Our Role

We will only process your personal data as set out in our privacy policy or otherwise notified to or agreed by you or as we are otherwise permitted to do in accordance with data protection laws. In order to respond to an inquiry, process and fulfill your booking depending on what’s required, the personal data we collect may include names and contact details (such as telephone numbers, postal and e-mail addresses) In addition to asking you to submit personal data, we may collect information about you automatically when you visit our website. The collection of information may involve the use of cookies. The information collected by cookies is not personally identifiable, it includes, your connection to the internet e.g. operating system and platforms, IP address, your browsing patterns and timings of browsing on our website and your geographical location. Where you make a booking or booking inquiry, appropriate personal data will be passed on to the relevant operators/drivers or who need this information so that your chosen arrangements can be booked and provided or your booking inquiry answered.

How we protect you

We take appropriate technical and organizational measures to protect against unauthorized or unlawful processing of personal data and against accidental loss or destruction of, or damage to, personal data, which is appropriate to the harm that might result from the unauthorized or unlawful processing or accidental loss, destruction or damage and the nature of the data to be protected, having regard to the state of technological development and the cost of implementing any measures.

Use of personal data

We will only use your information for internal purposes. You may receive marketing/promotional emails related to Yalasafaritours.lk or it’s services but no any third party information transfers will proceed. But you’re entitled to unsubscribe the service easily at any point as a general practice.

Credit Card information

We ASY Tours will never receive credit card details such as card no, csv code, expiration dates to our hands. All payments handling by licensed service provider governing by international standards (For more info: refer Terms & conditions) All credit card related information will be secured for each n every transaction processing on Yalasafaritours.lk.