+94 766 293 799 info@yalasafaritours.lk
+94 766 293 799 info@yalasafaritours.lk

Terms & Conditions

Who we are

Yalasafaritours.lk is a sub brand of ASY Tours. We ASY Tours Global (pvt) Limited registered travel and tourism related entity under the Reg no of PV00243193 in Colombo Sri Lanka, having valid license to carry out the operations such as day and multi day trips/tours, airport/city or any other transfers, experience sharing or any other travel/tourism related activity in Sri Lanka.

Online reservations

All reservations making on www.yalasafaritours.lk will be instantly confirmed and the booking confirmation to be send to guest’s email direct after making the reservation.

Booking alterations

Guests are free to change the travel dates, arrival flight information, participation date subject to availability, possibility and capability depending on the situation. However as a “Guest satisfaction oriented” entity we always trying to honor guest’s requests at our best capabilities so any of guest welcome to write their requests via email (info@yalasafaritours.lk), Whatsapp (+94766293799) or on contact page.

Online payment

All payments making on www.yalsafaritours.lk handling by OnePay, OnePay stays on the leading edge of safety and security. By partnering with multiple local banks & with the approval of the Central Bank, PayHere offers layers of trustable security.

Booking cancelation

In the event of cancellations occurring from guest’s end there will be 50%* refund (*50% out of = Amount paid – Bank fees, handling and currency conversion fees) will be issue until 14 days prior to participation date. No refund will be issued beyond that period. Also in the event of any cancellation occurring from the end of ASY Tours due to climate/weather conditions, unavailability of service due to any operator related reason, guest can request alternative date for participation or guest having full right to request for full refund after cancellation.


All reviews displayed on www.yalasafaritours.lk are verified reviews made by past guests. Reviews making by non participants without confirmed reservation will not validated.

Medical conditions

Safety is everything! We are highly recommending all guests to participate with proper medical conditions that matching requirement of any activity. ASY Tours will not bear any damages, losses occurring because of own medical conditions of participant.

Customer support

Guests are free to reach us at any point prior to participation, during the participation even after participation for any requirement related to reservation via email (info@yalasafaritours.lk), WhatsApp (+94766293799) or page on ASY Tours. We are always happy to be the helping hand for our guests.

Still not solved?

How may we assist you? Feel free to Contact us.